>Science in Selection<

Hidden Job Behaviors

Make the Right Decision the First Time

Robert Thompson (970) 579-0787 or (602) 909-9728

Your Partner in Talent Selection

When Success is Critical, Go Beneath the Surface

All divorces started with a marriage. 

In business, you can cut your risk of a damaging, bad hiring choice by applying proven Selection Science in your "due diligence" program. 

Through normal recruitment processes you’re trying to judge skill, knowledge, experience, smartness and niceness. 

But, you will simply never unearth the candidate's hard-wired, deep-seated behavior patterns that determine success or failure - through interviewing and reference checking.

You need a cutting-edge, predictive science-based tool to discover how well or poorly a candidate will fit into your company's culture - and its unfamiliar human dynamics, essential values, operating protocols and tactical challenges.

So, even after meeting the criteria of skill, knowledge, experience, smartness and niceness, most selection failures occur because of poor cultural fit or poor inter-personal fit or poor challenge fit - where the job performances of the "successful" candidates, and those around them become seriously impaired. These failures reflect "core behavior predilection" misfits, rather than shortcomings in experience, skill or technical qualifications. 

The hiring process was essentially blind to these issues.

CanAm Advisors has extraordinary expertise in the Science of Selection. 

We use The Birkman Method Assessment to get “below the surface” to allow you to discover the “core” nature of the candidate and more astutely determine their potential for organizational and challenge fit. 

You’ll be surprised at what you will discover about candidates - that no interview or reference checking will even hint at. Decision Critical Insights.

We  bring our Selection Science expertise into partnership with your company's standard selection processes to ensure that you > 

                        Make the Right Decision the First Time.

The Science is Here, It Can Work for You

Over the past 25 years, using the extreme computing capacities now available, psychometricians have refined the science of behavioral assessment to a level of accuracy and depth of insight never previously contemplated. The Birkman Method has been at the forefront of this advancement. And, over its 70 year history, the Birkman Method has been continuously re-normed and revalidated based on the examination of samples drawn from the more than 50 million assessment reports that have been issued to date.  Arguably, it sets the world-wide benchmark for depth, breadth, accuracy and reliability of insights.

Today, 94 percent of best-in-class organizations use behavior assessments as standard operating procedure to guide decision-making about employees and potential employees.

And, this style of Psychometric Behavioral Testing is used by over 80% of the Fortune 500 companies in the USA and by over 75% of the Times Top 100 companies in the UK.

Bringing hard science into the selection equation has been proven to be a low cost and very high return decision. Due diligence cannot truly be considered to be complete, nor in-depth, without it.

      Due Diligence is not In-Depth, nor truly Complete, without It.

Robert Thompson Founded CanAm Advisors

I retired as National Partner in Charge of KPMG’s Senior Management Services - Organization Development practice in Canada. Then I became Chairman of one of Canada’s most respected, old-line investment banks and broker/dealers. Since its sale, I've been Chairman of 6 public companies - 1 currently. Over the decades I've founded and led several successful businesses.  And, currently I'm active in governing or managing 3.  

                 Inactivity (i.e. retirement) is simply not in my DNA.

Years ago, while I was still in public practice, I discovered the Birkman Method and became deeply involved in helping its owners and management group extend the potential of their business. Over the 10 years of my involvement with the Birkman organization, and during the 10 + years since, I've examined every other significant competing methodology.   


                                           None can compare.

I have used the Birkman Method in my consulting practices; and to guide the selection and leadership of talent in all of the companies in which I have been involved. And, I have trained many professionals in its powerful use. 

Now, through CanAm Advisors, I provide selection insight support to a select but diverse range of U.S., Canadian, European and Latin American businesses - the Birkman Method is broadly multi-lingual.

My expertise in the application of this science-based assessment technology, in the "real world" of business, is at the highest level. 

Having in-depth, senior executive, firing line experience, I have scar-based appreciation of the challenges you and our other clients are trying to solve - through selecting truly competent people who will fit and perform.

              I speak your language and have walked a similar path.

When engaged, I operate as an Adjunct Specialist in direct support of you, or your internal recruitment and selection teams.  I am  


   Robert Thompson > CanAm > Your Partner in Talent Selection


              Dedicated to supporting entrepreneurial victorie

Call: Robert Thompson

CanAm Advisors

(970) 579-0787 or (602) 909-9728